
「Spotlight Research」光切换亚胺驱动动态共价系统达到非平衡稳态



2024年7月18日,J. Am. Chem. Soc.在线发表了来自德国维尔茨堡大学Jake L. Greenfield教授团队题为「Photoswitchable Imines Drive Dynamic Covalent Systems to Nonequilibrium Steady States」的研究论文。该文中,将亚胺分子开关的光异构化过程与亚胺交换反应耦合,成功实现使用光照将热力学平衡态推向能量更高的状态,达到非平衡稳定态(NESS)。表面上看这是一个非常简单的系统,只有由一种醛和两种胺组成的两种亚胺分子,但是整个系统却包含非常多的信息,形成了一个“信息棘轮”。

“Photoswitchable Imines Drive Dynamic Covalent Systems to Nonequilibrium Steady States

Jiarong Wu,Jake L. Greenfield*

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2024, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.4c03817

Q1. 请对“Photoswitchable Imines Drive Dynamic Covalent Systems to Nonequilibrium Steady States一个简单介绍。


今年年初,我们在Chemical Science上报道了一种能显著提升亚胺分子作为分子开关性能的策略(https://doi.org/10.1039/D3SC05841G),实现了可见光下E构型到Z构型的完全转化,热力学半衰期可达19.2小时。这也是我们课题组的第一篇文章。


Imines (C=N) are well-known for their dynamic-covalent properties and are widely used in the field of self-assembly and in designing self-healing materials due to their reversible condensation/hydrolysis behaviour. However, as analogues to azo-based photoswitches, which can undergo E/Z photoisomerization, their photoswitching properties have long been overlooked. This can be attributed to their poor photoswitching properties, for example, thermal half-lives of their metastable state being less than 1 minute at room temperature and low amounts of the metastable state being generated under photoirradiation.

Earlier this year, we discovered imines that exhibit much improved, and useful, photoswitching properties, and published the group’s first paper in Chemical Science (https://doi.org/10.1039/D3SC05841G). Specifically, we significantly optimized the photoswitching behavior of imines, achieving thermal half-lives of up to 19.2 hours and an almost quantitative conversion from E- to Z-isomer under visible light.

Building on this foundation, our recent work published in JACS showcases the coupling of the imine photoswitching process with a thermal transimination equilibrium. By utilizing light, we successfully drove the thermal equilibrium energetically uphill, to a non-equilibrium steady state (NESS). This system, remarkably simple with just one aldehyde and two different amine components forming a distribution of two imines, contains much more information within, making the entire system an “information ratchet.”

Q2. 有关本次研究的时候遇到过怎样的困难呢?又是怎样克服的呢


The most challenging part of this project was the kinetic studies. Although the system appears simple, under irradiation, several pathways can potentially occur, involving transient and undetectable aminal intermediates (as shown in the figure). To gain a proper understanding of this system, we broke it down into smaller bits and designed a series of control experiments to investigate the impact of each pathway on the overall system. Through this approach, we ultimately succeeded in analyzing the system.

Q3. 本次研究主体,有没有什么让您感觉特别辛苦和烧脑呢?

说实话这一整个工作都挺烧脑的(但很有趣!),因为明明是看起来很简单的系统,但是表现却很复杂。比如作为一个“棘轮”,应该可以计算棘轮常数来展示循环的通量,然而在我们的四组分系统(E-1, Z-1, E-2, Z-2)中,有两个循环,每个循环都有两个方向,导致不能使用简单的棘轮常数来表征循环通量。这是因为亚胺键既能够光响应,又是动态共价键,这在之前报道过的分子信息棘轮中是从未出现过的。

This entire project was quite brain-burning, with it being a simple system with complex behaviour, but also incredibly interesting! For instance, as a “ratchet,” it should be possible to calculate the ratcheting constant to demonstrate the flux of the cycles. However, in our four-component system (E-1, Z-1, E-2, Z-2), there are two cycles, each with two directions. This is unique in molecular information ratchets so far, as the imines are both light-responsive and dynamic-covalent motif simultaneously, which hasn’t been shown before.

Q4. 将来想继续研究化学的哪个方向呢?


Systems chemistry, and molecular machines made from dynamic covalent chemistry. We are actively working in these areas where we use our imine switches to achieve new properties. We are also open to collaborations so please get in touch with us!

Q5. 最后,有什么想对各位读者说的吗?



We are an international research group with a very strong motivation to explore new frontiers. We are open to collaborations where we can see if our imine-switches can give added value (please get in contact), and we are also open to hosting highly motivated Post-Docs and PhD researchers.

Our advice to others also at the beginning of their independent career is to think carefully about what has already been done, and then design something significantly new, create something that hasn’t been achieved before as this is where the interesting observations, impact and novelty will surely come.



邬佳蓉 (第一作者):

2022-至今 维尔茨堡大学(University of Wuerzburg, Dr. Jake L. Greenfield) 在读博士生

2021-2022 帝国理工学院(Imperial College London) 硕士(MRes)

2017-2021 武汉大学 化学与分子科学学院 本科

Dr. Jake L. Greenfield(通讯作者):

2023 Liebig Fellowship (Der Fonds der Chemischen Industrie)

2022 Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship

2015 Evans Medal, Imperial College London

2015-2020 PhD (University of Cambridge, Prof. Jonathan R. Nitschke)

2011-2015 MSci (Imperial College London)

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