
Nagoya Medal 受奖人一览


Nagoya Medal是万有生命科学振兴国际交流财团于1995年设立,旨在奖励在有机化学领域有杰出贡献的有机化学家。

Nagoya Medal分为金奖和银奖(Nagoya Gold Medal & Nagoya Silver Medal),金奖授予给国际上知名化学家,奖励他们为有机化学发展突破做出的贡献;而银奖则授予日本国内冉冉升起的新星,既是对他们工作的肯定,也是对他们今后工作的期待。

1995-2013 Nagoya Medal 获奖者一览



Nagoya Gold Medal

1995, 岸 義人 Yoshito Kishi (Harvard University, USA). Natural Product Synthesis;

1996, W. Clark Still (Columbia University, USA), Synthetic Receptors for Peptides;

1997, Robert H. Grubbs (California Institute of Technology, USA), Synthesis of Materials and Molecules Using Ruthenium Metathesis Catalysts. (2005 The Nobel Prize);

1998, Henri B. Kagan (University of Paris-Sud, France), Asymmetric Synthesis – Past, Present and Future;

1999, Samuel J. Danishefsky (Columbia University, USA), (a) On the Power of Chemical Synthesis, (b) The Prospects for a Fully Synthetic Anti-Cancer Vaccine;

2000, Manfred T. Reetz (Max-Planck-Institute, Germany), (a) New Concepts in the Area of Asymmetric Catalysis, (b) Evolution in the Test Tube as a Means to Create Enantioselective Enzymes;

2001, Kyriacos C. Nicolaou (Rice University, USA), (a) Total Synthesis in Perspective, (b) The CP-Molecule Synthetic Labyrinth;

2002, Dieter Seebach (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), (a) From Tartaric Acid to TADDOL and Other Diphenylmethanol Derivatives for Enantioselective Syntheses and Beyond, (b) From Poly(β-hydroxybutyrates) (PHB) to β-Peptides Consisting of Homologated Proteinogenic Amino Acids -Chemical and Biological Investigations into a New World;

2003, David A. Evans (Harvard University, USA), (a) Molecular Complexity: Studies in Natural Products Synthesis, (b) Molecular Complexity: Studies in Asymmetric Catalysis;

2004, J. Fraser Stoddart (University of California, Los Angeles, USA), The Nature of Mechanical Bond;

2005, 中西 香尔Koji Nakanishi (Columbia University, USA), (a) Ginkgolides and Biolobalide, (b) Bioorganic Studies on Age-Related Macular Degeneration;

2006, Steven V. Ley (University of Cambridge, UK), (a) Natural Product Synthesis: A Stimulus for Discovery, (b) New Tools for Molecule Makers;

2007, Larry E. Overman (University of California, Irvine, USA), (a) Intramolecular Heck Reaction in Natural Products Total Synthesis, (b) Recent Studies in Asymmetric Synthesis;

2008, Barry M. Trost (Stanford University, USA), (a) Self Assembly of Dinuclear Main Group Catalysts for Asymmetric Synthesis, (b) Cycloadditions via TMM-Pd Intermediates: New Strategies for Total Synthesis and Asymmetric Induction;

2009, Jean M. J. Fréchet (University of California, Berkeley, USA), (a) Designing Macromolecules for Chemo- and Immumo-therapy, (b) Functional Macromolecules from Catalysis to Organic Electronics;

2011, Eric N. Jacobsen (Harvard University, USA), (a) The Hydrolytic Kinetic Resolution Reaction, (b) Asymmetric Catalysis with Chiral Hydrogen-Bond Donors;

2012, Paul Knochel (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany), (a) Lewis Acid Triggered Reactions of Organometallics, (b) Recent Advances in Cross-Couplings;

2013, Ben L. Feringa (University of Groningen, Nederland), (a) Exploring Chiral Space in Asymmetric Catalysis, (b) Dynamic Molecular Systems, from switches to motors;

2014, John F. Hartwig (University of California, Berkeley, USA), (a) Regioselective Functionalization of Alkyl and Aryl C-H Bonds, (b) Fluoroalkylation and Fluorination;

2015, Stuart Schreiber (Broad Institute and Harvard University, USA), (a) Chemistry towards novel mechanism-of-action (nMoA) compounds in therapeutics discovery, (b) Chemistry and human biology towards cancer therapeutics discovery;

2016, Stephen Buchwald (Massachusettes Institute of Technology, USA), (a) Palladium-Catalyzed Carbon-Heteroatom Bond-Forming Reactions, (b) Cu-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrofunctionalization Processes in Organic Synthesis;

2017, E. W. “Bert” Meijer (Eindhoven University of Technology, Nederland), (a) From Groningen to Eindhoven – a personal journey, (b) The non-covalent synthesis of functional supramolecular systems, (c) The amplification of supramolecular chirality;

2018, David W. C. MacMillan (Princeton University, USA), (a) Becoming a chemist and organocatalysis, (b) Photoredox catalysis, fundamentals and early discoveries, (c) Metallophotoredox and bioconjugation.

Nagoya Silver Medal

1999, 鈴木 啓介Keisuke Suzuki (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Synthetic Studies on Hybrid Natural Products-Toward Ravidomycin and Pradimicins;

2000, 相田 卓三Takuzo Aida (The University of Tokyo), Novel Nanostructured Polymeric Materials;

2001, 中村 栄一Eiichi Nakamura (The University of Tokyo), Synthetic Organic Chemistry of Carbon Cluster Complexes– A Challenge for Synthetic Chemists –;

2002, 小林 修Shu Kobayashi (The University of Tokyo), Toward Truly Efficient and Powerful Organic Synthesis;

2003, 藤田 誠Makoto Fujita (The University of Tokyo), Molecular Self-Assembly through Coordination;

2004 丸岡 啓二Keiji Maruoka (Kyoto University), Chiral Designer Phase Transfer Catalysts for Practical Asymmetric Synthesis;

2005, 杉野目 道紀Michinori Suginome (Kyoto University), New Boron-and Silicon-Based Reactions for Organic Synthesis;

2006, 吉田 潤一Junichi Yoshida (Kyoto University), Flash Chemistry: Fast Chemical Synthesis in Microsystems;

2007, 袖岡 幹子Mikiko Sodeoka (RIKEN), Bioactive Molecules : Methodology, Synthesis, and Chemical Biology;

2008, 村上 正浩Masahiro Murakami (Kyoto University), Carbon-Carbon Bond Forming and Cleaving Reactions by Rhodium Catalysis;

2009, 野崎 京子Kyoko Nozaki (The University of Tokyo), Ligand Design for Metal-catalyzed Polymerization of Polar Monomers;

2011, 谷野 圭持Keiji Tanino (Hokkaido University), Design, Tactics, and Findings in Natural Product Synthesis;

2012, 秋山 隆彦Takahiko Akiyama (Gakushuin University), Control of Stereochemistry by Chiral Brønsted Acid Catalyst;

2012, 寺田 眞浩Masahiro Terada (Tohoku University), Enantioselective Catalysis by Chiral Brønsted Acids and Bases;

2013, 茶谷 直人Naoto Chatani (Osaka University), New Chelation-Assisted Transformation of C-H Bonds;

2014, 浜地 格Itaru Hamachi (Kyoto University), Protein organic chemistry under live cell conditions;

2015, 侯 召民Zhaomin Hou (RIKEN), Rare Earth and Group 4 Metal Complexes for Novel Chemical Transformations;

2016, 澤村正也Masaya Sawamura (Hokkaido University), Ligand Design for Efficient Organic Synthesis;

2017, 菅裕明Hiroaki Suga (The University of Tokyo), Revolutionizing the discovery process of bioactive peptides;

2018, 安達 千波矢Chihaya Adachi (Kyushu University), Advanced Molecular Design in Organic Semiconductors: Towards New Generation of OLEDs and Organic Lasers.

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