
Matthias Beller

Matthias Beller(1962.4.11-),出生于德国黑森州古登斯贝格,德国化学家,现为罗斯托克大学教授,莱布尼茨催化研究所所长(主页)。



  • 1987 哥廷根大学 M.S. B.S.;
  • 1989 哥廷根大学 PhD(Lutz Friedjan Tietze教授);
  • 1990-1991 麻省理工学院 博士后(巴里·夏普莱斯教授);
  • 1991-1993 赫斯特公司(Hoechst AG) Research chemist;
  • 1993 赫斯特公司(Hoechst AG) Group leader of “Organometallic chemistry – catalysis” ;
  • 1993-1995 赫斯特公司(Hoechst AG) Project leader of “Homogeneous catalysis” ;
  • 1996 慕尼黑工业大学 副教授;
  • 1998 罗斯托克大学教授,莱布尼茨有机催化研究所所长;
  • 2005 莱布尼茨催化研究所(2005年成立)担任所长
  • :于2001年曾被亚琛工业大学邀请做化工C4-教授;2006年被母校哥廷根大学邀请做有机化学W3-教授



  • 1997 Otto-Roelen-Medaille der DECHEMA
  • 2002 Merck-Frost-Lectureship(Canada)
  • 2003 Novartis-Chemistry-Lectureship
  • 2006 Leibniz-Prize of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft、Innovation Award (Hansestadt Rostock, Germany)
  • 2009 Member of the “German National Academy of Sciences” (德国科学院院士).
  • 2010 “Karl Ziegler-Giulio Natta Lectureship” of the German and Italian Chemical Society
  • 2010 European Sustainable Chemistry Award of the EuChems
  • 2012 Gay-Lussac-Humboldt Award of the French Academy of Sciences
  • 2017 Karl Ziegler Prize from the GDCh, German Chemical Society


Scientific and technical experiences

  • Homogeneous catalysis and organic synthesis
  • P- and N-ligand synthesis
  • Organometallic chemistry (Pd, Rh, Ru, Fe, Cu etc.)
  • Development of processes for bulk chemicals
  • Synthesis of biologically active agents
  • Oxidations
  • High pressure chemistry (hydrogenations, carbonylations)

Present main research activities

  • Fe-catalyzed oxidations and hydrogenation
  • Hydroformylations
  • Hydroaminomethylation and hydroamination
  • Pd- and Cu-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions
  • Rh- and Ru-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenations

1. Preparation of graphitic shell encapsulated cobalt nanoparticles supported on carbon using MOF precursors.(Science 21, Sep 2017; DOI: 10.1126/science.aan6245),用于高效将醛,酮底物转化为一级,二级或者三级胺。

2. Pd black催化的高效 N-acyl amino acids 合成法的开发。

该方法可以用于合成工业上重要的表面活性剂N-lauroyl sarcosinevia (95%产率)at a multi-gram scale. 此方法的优点有可重复使用性,降低工艺温度,并且显着降低助催化剂负载量(Org. Process. Res. Dev. , 2017. 21, 2045)






&到目前为止,已经发表了将近900篇论文,包括Science, Nature, Nature Chemistry, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed… ,以及100篇以上的专利。



  • Palladium-Catalyzed Selective Generation of CO from Formic Acid for Carbonylation of Alkenes. Journal of the American Chemical Society2018140, 5217-5223.
  • Toward Green Acylation of (Hetero)arenes: Palladium-Catalyzed Carbonylation of Olefins to Ketones. ACS Central Science20184, 30-38.
  •  Homogeneous Catalysis for Sustainable Hydrogen Storage in Formic Acid and Alcohols. Chemical Reviews2018118, 372-433.
  • Cobalt-catalysed reductive C-H alkylation of indoles using carboxylic acids and molecular hydrogen. Science20178, 6439-6450.
  •  MOF-derived cobalt nanoparticles catalyze a general synthesis of amines. Science2017358, 326-332.
  • Formic acid as a hydrogen storage material – development of homogeneous catalysts for selective hydrogen release. Chemical Society Reviews201645, 3954-3988.
  • The scope and mechanism of palladium-catalysed Markovnikov alkoxycarbonylation of alkenes. Nature Chemistry20168, 1159-1166.



Matthias Beller课题组Science:MOF变成高效的还原胺化催化剂


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