

本文来自Chem-Station日文版 海外の教授にメールを送る-使える英語表現と文例 作者kanako

翻译投稿 炸鸡 校对 Sum




  • Summer research in your group
  • Prospective student for PhD program in bioengineering
  • Interested Graduate Student
  • Potential postdoc applicant
  • Postdoc application for your group
  • Request for lab visit
  • Lab visit in July
  • Inquiry about XX Laboratory (Your Name, University of YY)
  • Undergraduate research opportunities in your group
  • Possible research opportunities for a Master’s student



Dear Prof. Robert Grubbs,

My name is Minoru Tanaka, and I’m a graduate student in chemistry working with Prof. Saito at Osaka University, Japan. I’m contacting you because I’m interested in joining your group as a postdoctoral researcher after I complete my PhD study in March 2020. I have a postdoctoral fellowship from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), which covers about $56,000/year for two years.

My main interest is synthetic polymers with unique electrical and optical properties, and I have spent most of my time in graduate school developing polythiophene-based π-conjugated polymers for increased conductivity. I designed and synthesized novel monomers to control the degree of polymerization, which led to significant improvement in conductivity. I was especially thrilled that very little change in molecular structure (length of alkyl chain from two to four) significantly altered the rate of polymerization, as well as the morphology of the polymer product. Part of my work has been published in JACS (DOI: 00000) and ACS Central Science (DOI: 00000), and I’m also preparing a manuscript for submission.

I’m interested in working with you because I would like to study catalysts for olefin metathesis. In particular, I would like to develop chiral ruthenium catalysts for high enantioselectivity. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how to control the physical properties of synthetic polymers in my PhD project, and found the reality that current techniques to synthesize polymers with controlled geometry is limited. I envision that the development of asymmetric olefin metathesis catalysts should enable the synthesis of novel polymer architectures.

I attached my CV for your reference to my academic background and list of publications. Please let me know if I should provide any additional information.


Minoru Tanaka

Graduate Student in Saito Group, Osaka University



对于教授要用”Professor”,“Prof.”或“Dr.”的称呼,对于还不是教授但已经有博士学位的人要用”Dr.”的称呼,其他的情况一律用”Ms.”或”Mr.”的称呼。虽然会有个人喜好和地域上的差别,但是在意敬称的人还是很少的,即使素不相识但在同一部门工作的教授之间通信,通常也会写上“Dear Bob”这样比较随便的称呼(而且是昵称)。我的指导教师自然也是这样,他给一起共事、熟悉的教授发邮件也是用类似于”Hi Bob”这样随便的称呼。但是,第一次联系时,要用”Prof. Grubbs”这样正式的称呼。顺便一提,如果对方还不是教授,也不知道是否已经取得博士学位的研究人员,稳妥些的先用“Dr.”吧。


首先写上自己的名字。表明自己的身份,如果你是学生,那么写出你是undergraduate/graduate/Master’s/PhD student 其中的哪一个。如果是本科生,比起仅仅写undergraduate,最好写”I am a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior”之类的话,写出具体几年级。如果不是学生而是研究人员,就写research assistant/research associate/research scientist at XX Research Institute。如果上完大学正在企业工作的话,像下面这样示出现在的职位和最高学位的话可能会更好。

“I am currently working for XX Therapeutics, after receiving my Bachelor’s degree in Bioengineering at YY University (supervisor: Prof. ZZ).”

“I am currently working for XX Therapeutics, after receiving my Bachelor’s degree in Bioengineering at YY University (supervisor: Prof. ZZ).”



  • I’m writing to ask/inquire…
  • I’m contacting you because…
  • I’m sending this email because…


  • about research opportunities next Spring, ideally about three month starting around March or April.
  • about a research opportunity for a visiting scholar
  • about a visit to your group to present and discuss my research project
  • about your group because I am applying to your school for my PhD
  • about a potential postdoc position in your group
  • if you are taking any graduate student next year
  • I would like to visit your lab sometime in June because I’m interested in joining your group for PhD
  • I’m interested to work in your group for my postdoctoral research


  • I’m awarded with Tobitate young ambassador program that covers up to $1300/month of living expense during my stay.
  • My PhD study/postdoctoral research will be funded by XX foundation (~$22,000/year, for three years).
  • My company provides the entire living expense and my salary, as well as $10,000 of research funding.
  • My visit will be fully supported by the program in my university.
  • I will be sponsored by the XX fellowship program, which covers all the cost of living and traveling.


  • I’m currently applying for a fellowship in Japan, and the results will be announced by the end of March.
  • I’d appreciate it if you could let me know about any fellowship opportunities in your university.



  • My background is bioinorganic chemistry, and I have worked on several research projects including XX and YY.
  • I’m interested in XX, and I’ve been working on the project of YY in ZZ group since my sophomore year.
  • My main interest is XX, especially YY. I have studied ZZ during my PhD.


  • One of the reason I enjoy working on XX is I find YY is pretty thrilling.
  • The most interesting finding in my study is…
  • I was impressed/amazed/thrilled to learn…
  • I also have some background in XX.
  • I also have experience in XX.


(first-authored/co-authored paper)

  • I have published several papers about my work:  Commun.2016, Science Advances 2018.(请附上相应链接)
  • My work has been published in XX.
  • My first-authored paper has been submitted, and now under the review process.
  • A manuscript for my work is in preparation, and soon will be submitted to a major chemistry journal.
  • I’m currently preparing a manuscript for the work.



  • One of the reasons I’m interested in working with you is…
  • I’d like to join your group because…
  • Your group is my top choice to pursue my PhD since…
  • I’d like to work on/study/investigate/develop/learn…


  • I believe XX lab is the leading group in this field.
  • The technique of XX in your paper (Science Advances2015) enables…
  • Access to XX is also attractive to me.
  • I believe one of the most important aspect in XX is that…


  • My advisor (Prof. XX) also recommended your group.
  • I also talked with your former student (XX) about her PhD project, and became very interested in your group.
  • I have worked very closely with XX, so he’s better qualified than most to give an honest assessment of me.



  • I have attached my resume for your review.
  • Please find the attached CV for the detail of my academic background.
  • Please review the attached resume for my background and list of publications.


教授很忙,不回信很正常。如果过了1 ~ 2周还没有回信的话,可以试着再发一封邮件。

  • I’m resending this email just in case you missed my previous email on February 2.
  • I just would like to follow up the email I sent X days ago regarding the research opportunities in your group.
  • I’m just wondering if you had a chance to take a look at my postdoc application I sent on January 20.


Dear Prof. XX

Just wondering if you had a chance to take a look at my email I sent 10 days ago. Could you briefly let me know if you are taking any student this year?





邮件主题:Appointment for lab visit

Dear Prof. XX,

I am XX, a junior student in bioengineering at Kyoto University. I would like to ask about the possibility to visit your group for a day this summer. I am planning to apply for grad schools in the US next year, and interested in joining your group as a graduate student. This summer I am visiting several universities to meet with professors I’m interested to work with, and I am wondering if you could meet with me to discuss on-going projects in your group. I am also hoping to attend your group meeting and/or meet with lab members, if possible.

I have two years of research experience in chemical biology with Prof. XX. I worked on the project of XX, and learned the experimental skills such as cloning, protein expression, mass spectrometry, and confocal microscopy. In graduate school, I’d like to work on biomaterials-related research. I was intrigued by your papers about XX, and I’m excited to discuss more if we have a chance to meet. For details of my academic record, please review the attached CV.

Regarding the schedule to visit your group, I am quite flexible from late July to the end of August. Please let me know if you would be able to meet with me.


邮件主题:Interested in your group for short-term research

Dear Prof. XX,

I am XX, a second-year Master’s student in XX lab at Hokkaido University. I would like to ask about possible research opportunities in your lab for three to four months early next year as a visiting student.

I have been working on XX. In particular, I enjoy XX. The reason I’d like to work in your group is I’m interested in XX. I was impressed by your research about XX, and would like to learn more about XX.

I’m currently applying for a fellowship program in my university to sponsor my visit, so I’ll follow up with the result shortly. It would be also helpful if you could let me know about any fellowship opportunities in your university that I’m eligible to apply.

I have attached my CV for your review. Please let me know if you are willing to host me. I’d be happy to provide any additional information.


邮件主题:Prospective graduate student

Dear Prof. XX,

I am XX, a second-year Master’s student in XX lab at Kobe University. I’m contacting you because I am planning to apply for PhD programs in chemistry this fall, and interested in joining your group. If possible, could you let me know if you are taking any students this year?

My background is XX, and I have been developing XX. I synthesized and characterized XX (manuscript being prepared). I have learned organic synthesis and various analytical techniques including XX, XX, and XX. During PhD, I would like to study XX. I’ve been following your research and I’m especially interested in your XX.

Please find the attached resume for your reference. Let me know if you are accepting any students this year. I would also be grateful if you could give me any tips for the application to your school.




语法上的错误用软件就可以帮我们纠正。但要注意不要在邮件中使用过多的礼貌性用语。对很忙的教授来说,他们更愿意读简洁的邮件而不是充斥着一大堆”Thank you”的冗长的邮件。还有,在国外,因为没有自谦的文化习惯,像“我的英语不好”“我的研究经验还不是很充足”之类消极的话很有可能对自己不利。相反,要注意的是若使用过多积极性的词语(strongly, extremely, really, absolutely, very之类),你的描述反而会显得苍白无力。归纳出只包含必要信息的简单信息,注意把想要传达的信息清楚地表达出来就好了。

本文版权属于 Chem-Station化学空间 欢迎点击按钮分享,未经许可,谢绝转载!


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