
as well as的使用方法

as well as 」应该是英文学术论文写作时最常被误用的表达之一。

今天就来八一八 这个 as well as 吧!

在所有的错误使中,最常见的就是将「as well as」和「and」作为同样的意思来使用,是不是大多数人觉得as well as看起来比and更书面,更高bigger,所以就任意替换了。实际上,这两者确实有着相近的意思,但是二者之间从更深层的含义上以及语法上都有明显的区别。

说二者具有相近的意思,and常作为连词,as well as在这里是做介词,更确切的说,应该是和「in addition to」有着相近的意思。因此表达「A as well as B」的话,并不是传达「A and B」这样「A与B具有等同地位」的AB「对等性」的信息,而是「除了B以外A也具有」、「和B一样A也」、「不仅B。。。A也。。。」,它表示A与B的关系是「不对等性」的。


as well as的错误用法及修改例

如下所示常见「as well as」误用举例:

[误] Here, we investigate all three of these methods, and we find that the first method as well as the second method are applicable to systems of long homopolymers.
[正] Here, we investigate all three of these methods, and we find that the first method and the second method are applicable to systems of long homopolymers.


[误] This type of condition is seen in the cases of blunt trauma as well as shaking trauma.
[正] This type of condition is seen in the cases of blunt trauma and shaking trauma.
[正] This type of condition is seen in the case of blunt trauma, as well as shaking trauma.


[误] This theory has been successfully applied to the study of the demographic transition, urbanization and specialization, as well as increased standard of living.
[正] This theory has been successfully applied to the study of the demographic transition, urbanization and specialization, and increased standard of living.
[正] This theory has been successfully applied to the study of the demographic transition and urbanization and specialization, in addition to that of increased standard of living.


[误] Here, we consider the five points raised by Miller in his treatment of parliamentary republics. However, we study these in a broader context that includes parliamentary republics as well as presidential republics.
[正] Here, we consider the five points raised by Miller in his treatment of parliamentary republics. However, we study these in a broader context that includes presidential republics as well as parliamentary republics.

[误] Experiments were performed for the cases of both increasing temperature as well as decreasing temperature.
[正] Experiments were performed for the cases of both increasing temperature and decreasing temperature.
[正] Experiments were performed for the case of increasing temperature as well as decreasing temperature.


[注1] 「as well as」这一语法有两种用法,一种如上所述,另一种「as [副词・形容词] as」这样作为更一般的表达形式,也就是「与~具有相同程度的」这样的用法举例,如:「in as satisfactory a way as」、「with equal skill as」、「with equal thoroughness as」、「as carefully as」、「to the same degree/extent as」、「as much as」等语法表达具有相同的意思。这一用法的话,错误使用较少,在这里就不做赘述了。

化学论文中「as well as」的使用举例

Typically, a [3]-ladderane is attached to the central sn-2 position by an ether linkage; [5]- and [3]-ladderane lipids, as well as common straight-chain lipids, are found ether- or ester-linked at the sn-1 position. 引用: 10.1021/jacs.6b10706

According to Blanchet’s research, this catalyst was successfully applied to the direct amidation of aliphatic, α- hydroxyl, aromatic, heteroaromatic acids, and N-Boc-protected amino acids as well as primary, secondary, and heterocyclic amines. 引用:10.1021/acs.joc.6b02358

Ideally, this alternative activation mode would provide complimen- tary periselectivity, as well as enable cycloaddition with partners other than alkenes. 引用:10.1038/NCHEM.2594

本文出自 Enago学术英语academy(日文版)

本文版权属于 Chem-Station化学空间, 欢迎点击按钮分享,未经许可,谢绝转载!

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