
维尔茨堡大学Jake L.Greenfield组招聘启事


Jake L. Greenfield博士于2011-2015年伦敦帝国理工学院完成本科与硕士学习(本硕学习,2011-2015,Prof. Milo S. P. Shaffer),并在佐治亚理工学院(2014,Prof. Christopher W. Jones)进行了为期5个月的全额资助研究。Jake在剑桥大学Prof. Jonathan R. Nitschke(化学博士,2015-2019)的指导下获得博士学位。2019年博士毕业后,Jake回到帝国理工学院,在Matthew J. Fuchter教授课题组做博后研究。2022年,Jake搬到维尔茨堡(德国)与Frank Würthner教授合作,最初是由洪堡资助的博后,不久之后,在2023年,Jake获得了由化学工业基金会资助的Liebig奖金,开始了独立的研究生涯,同时成为学院的Emil Fischer研究员。

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Dr. Jake L. Greenfield completed his undergraduate studies at Imperial College London (MSci in Chemistry, 2011-2015, under the supervision of Prof. Milo S. P. Shaffer, UK) and carried out a fully funded 5-month research stay at Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, Georgia, USA in 2014, under the supervision of Prof. Christopher W. Jones).Jake conducted his graduate studies at the University of Cambridge, under the supervision of Prof. Jonathan R. Nitschke (PhD in Chemistry, 2015-2019, Cambridge, UK). In 2019, he then returned to Imperial as a Research Associate to work with Prof. Matthew J. Fuchter. In 2022, Jake moved to Würzburg (DE) to work with Prof. Frank Würthner, initially as a Post-Doc, and then with an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship. Shortly after this, in 2023, Jake started an independent research career with a Liebig Fellowship, funded by the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie, and is also an Emil-Fischer Fellow of the Faculty.


Jake课题组于2023年正式成立,主要研究方向为光响应动态共价化学。目前,Jake小组的前两篇论文分别发表在Chem. Sci. (Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 3872–3878) 和 JACS (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2024, 146, 20720–20727)上,主要专注于开发一类新型的亚胺光开关。自20世纪50年代以来,光切换亚胺的构建一直以来是一个重大挑战,特别是醛亚胺。然而,在2024年,Jake小组发现了一类新型的光切换亚胺,其在可见光照射下实可以实现>95%的Z-异构体,并且极大的提高Z-异构体的半衰期(19.2 h)。基于动态共价和光响应特性的光切换亚胺,在连续照射下可被进一步用于产生“信息棘轮”。目前,Jake小组对光切换亚胺的各个方面的研究进行了探索(基础和应用进行研究),并与其他相关课题组和行业等建立了许多感兴趣的合作。

目前,Jake小组的团队高度国际化,成员分别来自英国、中国、印度和德国。他们是一个雄心勃勃的团体,非常适合想要追求学术生涯的学生。Jake小组的实验室位于德国维尔茨堡大学有机化学研究所,可以使用维尔茨堡“纳米系统化学中心(CNC)”的最先进设施。此外,虽然Jake组是独立的,但与Frank Würthner教授的团队共享实验室空间和组会,从而广泛接触不同类型的化学。


Our research group was officially established in 2023 and have the general interest in photoresponsive dynamic-covalent chemistry. Our group’s first two papers, published in Chem. Sci. (Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 3872–3878) and JACS (J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2024, 146, 20720–20727), focused on exploring a new class of imine-based photoswitches that we discovered, the aryliminopyrazoles. Achieving photoswitchable imines, specifically aldimines, has been a long-standing challenge since the 1950’s. However, in 2024,  we discovered a new class of photoswitchable imines that can achieve >95% Z-isomer under visible light irradiation and have a thermal half-life of 19.2 h compared to the previously reported time of less than 1 min at room temperature. These photoswitchable imines, combining dynamic covalent and photoresponsive properties, were further used to generate an “information ratchet” under continuous irradiation. Currently, we are working on all aspects of using our photoswitchable imines (fundamentals and applications) and are also interested in establishing collaborations.

Our team is highly international, with members from the U.K., China, India, and Germany. We are an ambitious group well suited for students who want to pursue an academic career. Our lab is based in the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the University of Würzburg, Germany. We have access to the state of the art facilities of the “Center for Nanosystems Chemistry” here in Würzburg. Moreover, while we are independent, we share lab space and group meetings with the group of Prof. Frank Würthner, thus giving a broad exposure to different types of chemistry.

If you are interested in doctoral studies in the group, or even post-doctoral, please get in touch as early as possible. We are interested in candidates who have a high level of motivation, good level of spoken English, and who take pride in their work. Your application should consist of your CV, a cover letter stating two academics who can be contacted to provide a reference letter on your behalf. You can also reach out informally by email.



Publications from the group, other publications can be found on Google Scholar:

  • J. Wu, L. Kreimendahl, S. Tao, O. Anhalt and J. L. Greenfield, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 3872–3878.
  • J. Wu and J. L. Greenfield, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2024, 146, 20720–20727.

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